Welcome to our website

Hello there! Thanks for visiting our website English WebHW site. This site aims at creating and offering different kinds of material and resources for the study and practice of the English language.

You will find vocabulary and grammar worksheets and tests for both of them, to help you improve your English.

The site is managed by four English teachers from Portugal, who will provide you with useful material that may fullfil your needs of language knowledge.

We sincerely hope to feel that your visit was worthwhile. Goodbye!

              British flag                 American flag                   Australian flag

The British National Anthem


The American National Anthem


The Australian National Anthem


Our users

This website is aimed at students who lack basic knowledge of the English language and want to improve their skills.

Come and visit our site regularly.

We'll be here for you.

Have fun learning English!


David Cameron

Prime Minister of the UK

Barack Obama

President of the USA

        THEY DO.

Julia Gillard

Prime Minister of Australia